Guildford Coastal Cruising Clu


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  • 26 Jun 2014 22:26 | Deleted user

    Many congratulations to Clive White who finished the RIR, an achievement in itself, in 19 position overall.  Clive left the Baie De Seine summer cruise on Wednesday after providing us all with a fine afternoon tea with homemade cakes. He left so that he could get Quickstep's bottom scrubbed which clearly paid off in such light airs.  Unless anyone knows better this has to be the highest placed GCCC boat in the RIR ever

  • 27 Jan 2014 00:14 | Deleted user
    At the AGM it was agreed that the membership subscription should increase to £45 per year with a £10 discount for prompt payment. This will be effective for renewals on 1st October 2014 and those new members joining on or after 1st July 2104 (new members joining after 1st July will renew on 1st October 2015)
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