Guildford Coastal Cruising Clu

Annual Fitting Out Party and "Fun" Quiz

  • 08 Apr 2025
  • 20:00 - 23:00
  • Papercourt


Registration is closed

Annual Fitting Out Party and "Fun" Quiz

Start time 19:30 hrs. Please Note this earlier start!

For catering purposes, it is essential that you Register through the website in advance so we know how many people to cater for.    Closing date is Friday 4th April 2025.

Booking/Registration is via the website ONLY.

For couples, just one Member need Register and show the 'Number of Attendees' as 2 and provide both names. 

Members to bring along either a Savoury OR Dessert dish (enough for about 3/4 people). The Committee will be providing salads and bread rolls.

Please click the button to say which item you will be bringing (Savoury or Dessert). You can also advise of any allergies here.

NB: Please bring your own plates/pasta bowls, plus dessert dish and cutlery.

The "Fun" Quiz this year will be on a variety of subjects, none of them nautical ...... each round prepared and presented by a different Quiz Master!  There may be a Master of Ceremonies, and who know, maybe even a PopMaster!! So Be There, or Be Square!!

We hope as many Members as possible will want to join their friends at the Papercourt Clubhouse for this fun, annual Event.

Organiser: Paul Armstrong - Vice Commodore

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